The first single from the album Lustuz Laþu Wōþuz Alu
Format: Single
Raven brings runes
Seven inches of Love
Origami´s gift to our founder and his wife when they got married
The power of compassion
I made a few samples and recordings for this album.
At Røyspytten
I did the Bass, some guitar, perc.
I also recorded and mixed this one.
At Snippen
A great place, some great people, and loads of equipment. This is the wonderful result.
Kyst (Original version)
The first release of this song.
It is now available in a new, recomposed version on the album Ferd.
Composed, performed, recorded, mixed, and produced by Kjell Braaten.
Standing Rock
A song written in support of those fighting for human rights at Standing Rock 2016 All income from this song was given to their support.